This from Jimmy Bolf:
Grayslake Fire District BC Mike Higgins’ Funeral Procession 12/3/22

Jimmy Bolf photo

Jimmy Bolf photo

Jimmy Bolf photo

Jimmy Bolf photo

Jimmy Bolf photo

Jimmy Bolf photo

Jimmy Bolf photo
Dec 4
Posted by Admin in Fire Department Funeral, Fire Department News | 1 Comment
This from Jimmy Bolf:
Grayslake Fire District BC Mike Higgins’ Funeral Procession 12/3/22
Jimmy Bolf photo
Jimmy Bolf photo
Jimmy Bolf photo
Jimmy Bolf photo
Jimmy Bolf photo
Jimmy Bolf photo
Jimmy Bolf photo
Tags:, fire department funeral, Grayslake FD Battalion Chief Mike Higgins, Grayslake Fire Protection District, Jimmy Bolf
Dec 4
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos | 2 Comments
This from Larry Shapiro:
Firefighters from Wheeling and Prospect Heights responded to an outside fire at 25 Versailles Court Sunday morning at 9:30. Wheeling Engine 23 arrived and reported a fire on the ‘D’ side of the house and upgraded the alarm to a working fire. Flames engulfed the west side of the house along with an outdoor structure, and impinged on the second floor. There was an exposure concern to the house on the ‘D’ side but the fire was contained with what was apparently only damage to the vinyl siding on the neighbor’s house.
Several lines were deployed and Tower 24 went to the roof. The fire appeared to be contained within 15 minutes.
Mutual aid on the working fire came from Mount Prospect, Buffalo Grove, Northbrook, Glenview, Lincolnshire-Riverwoods, and the North Maine FPD.
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Tags: #larryshapiro, #rosenbaueramerica,, fire scene photos, house fire in Wheeling,, Prospect Heights Fire Protection District, Rosenbauer Commander Cobra tower ladder at fire scene,, Spartan Metro Star fire engine, Wheeling FD Engine 23, Wheeling FD Tower 24, Wheeling Fire Department
Dec 4
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, Fire Truck photos, New Delivery | Comments off
From Bill Schreiber:
Final inspection on Lemont FPD Tender 917 at Rosenbauer South Dakota. Freightliner 114SD chassis 750-GPM Waterous pump, 3000-gallon tank. This is number 3 for Lemont. Thank You Lemont!
Bill Schreiber photo
Bill Schreiber photo
Bill Schreiber photo
Bill Schreiber photo
Tags: #rosenbaueramerica,,, Freightliner 114SD fire truck, Lemont Fire Protection District, Lemont FPD Tender 917
Dec 4
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Department News, Fire Scene photos | 2 Comments
Some photos from Larry Shapiro of the Box Alarm fire near Des Plaines, 12-2-22
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Tags: #ArrowXT, #larryshapiro,,, Des Plaines FD Lieutenant Minas Klikas, Des Plaines FD Tower 61, Des Plaines Fire Department, large house near Des Plaines destroyed by fire, Larry Shapiro,,, MetroStar, Niles FD Truck 2, Niles Fire Department, North Maine Fire Protection District, North Maine FPD Engine 1, Pierce,, short jacked aerial, Spartan
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For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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