From SST Emergency Products LLC Facebook :
Some in process photos of Lockport Township’s 105′ Apollo Quint. S/O # 89R11
thanks Danny
From SST Emergency Products LLC Facebook :
Some in process photos of Lockport Township’s 105′ Apollo Quint. S/O # 89R11
Seagrave photo
Tags:,, New tower ladder for the Lockport FPD, Seagrave Apollo tower ladder 89R11, Seagrave Apollo tower ladder being built, Seagrave fire truck being built
This entry was posted on January 9, 2022, 7:00 AM and is filed under Fire Department News, Fire truck being built. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
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#1 by Mike C on January 12, 2022 - 10:33 AM
Hairy – I’m not sure the circumstances to the alleged issues with Franklin Park, however the issues may not have anything to do with the way Seagrave built the truck. Poor maintenance, aftermarket alterations, bad spec. I think we can all say that all fire apparatus manufacturers produce a bad truck here and there but the problems Franklin Park allegedly had with their Seagrave may not have anything to do with Seagrave.
Through all my years in the industry, I’ve seen and worked on just about every apparatus brand. If Seagrave isn’t at the top of the list, it’s definitely high up there as one of the best, highest quality builders on the market. Unfortunately, all brands have problems.
#2 by harry on January 11, 2022 - 9:50 PM
mike c except for the fact that i said i thought stainless steel did not rust but i did not say they were stainless steel i dont know a lot about seagrave because the one and only town i have ever been to that had a seagrave franklin pk il the seagrave was non stop problems and since it has been featured on chicago fire next the fact that i know stainless steel does not rust is because family of mine had a delorean and it was 20 yo and no rust and it was a michigan car its whole life
#3 by Mike C on January 11, 2022 - 8:24 PM
Hairy – You have no idea what you’re talking about. The Chicago Seagrave’s that were purchased in the 90’s were not stainless steel. They are galvaneal steel. Chicago had the option to buy stainless but just like everything else the city buys, they went the less expensive route. It’s just a shame Chicago went the this route because these trucks would still look pretty decent if they opted for the stainless steel. Needless to say, they’ve been great trucks!
#4 by harry on January 11, 2022 - 6:05 PM
except stainless steel is not suppose to rust and yet chicagos old seagrave trucks are rusted extreme
#5 by Mike C on January 11, 2022 - 7:15 AM
No doubt, Seagrave has struggled over the years to market themselves better however they have a huge backlog now and have a hard time keeping up with demand. I have thought that Seagrave has such a huge perk in the Midwest with the stainless cabs and bodies where most the competitors use aluminum which is oxidizing and corroding within a few years. Even with the best paint protection, the aluminum doesn’t’ hold up as well.
#6 by Tim on January 10, 2022 - 10:35 AM
Frenchy, we had the same problem in the south suburbs in the 90’s and early 2000’s. We would call the rep, leave messages, when he got back to us, it was 6 months after we ordered from a competitor. And we were doing 2-3 rigs a year for a few years. The rep was out of the western suburbs and wasn’t interested in anything south I guess.
#7 by Frenchy on January 10, 2022 - 8:37 AM
This looks nice, I agree that Seagrave looks to put out a solid product. My only beef with them is that they are picky with where they want to sell. We are located in Minnesota (so not far at all) and a rep didn’t want to give us the time of day to even get a quote.
#8 by Mike C on January 10, 2022 - 8:02 AM
Crabby and Local – Seagrave only offers stainless steel cabs. Galvaneal steel and aluminum is not available with Seagrave. The whole cable structure is stainless, not just the skin.
What’s unique about this tower is when Seagrave designed and tested it, the tip load rating came in higher than expected at 1,250 lbs dry and 750 lbs flowing water! This is an extremely strong tower!
#9 by crabbymilton on January 10, 2022 - 6:50 AM
Well, if you buy a SEAGRAVE, you will get a steel cab as standard. No recycled beer cans in their cabs. 🙂
#10 by Localguy on January 9, 2022 - 11:46 AM
I really like the Seagrave look. I love that you can get a stainless steel cab. I’m sure Seagrave is like EVERYONE else and has their share of issues. But they make a good looking rig. I hope the Dept has good luck with these rigs and they serve them well.
#11 by Mike hellmuth on January 9, 2022 - 8:39 AM
chrome wheels look good that’s a great looking front end also