This from Wayne Stuart for #TBT:
The Gary Fire Department operated this 1962 Maxim “S” model pumper. It carried Maxim serial # 2308. It had a 1000-GPM pump and a 300-gallon tank. The engine companies of the era also carried a 35′ three-section ladder along with the standard 24′ and 14′ ladders. This apparatus was assigned to Engine Company 6.wayne stuart collection

Wayne Stuart collection
#1 by wayne stuart on March 20, 2020 - 10:30 AM
Big Moe, to my knowledge there were no Crown or VP rigs used in Gary. Back in the day there were so many different brands of rigs because of the political “climate”. The manufacturers with the best shall we say “deal” got the sale.
For GFD643, I was very familiar with Station 6, spent a lot of time there. My Dad started his career on Eng 6 in 1954 and retired from there as a Captain in 1974. I remember some of the taller members riding the back step having to duck down upon pulling out of the station when going on a run.
#2 by Mike G on March 20, 2020 - 10:14 AM
Thank you very much for posting all your photos in history they are very enjoyable especially now with all thats going on in the world
#3 by G.F.D. #643 Class of 5-85 on March 20, 2020 - 7:56 AM
Thank you Wayne for posting this picture! Because of the size of Station #6 not too many rigs could fit in there. Once you backed in there were two steel support beams that were the load bearing beams for the second floor. Just enough room for the rig to fit.
#4 by Big Moe on March 19, 2020 - 11:52 PM
Was there ever a manufacturer that Gary didn’t have? It’s almost ridiculous the variety of fire apparatus that have served that city. I’m waiting for a Crown Firecoach or a Van Pelt next.
#5 by CrabbyMilton on March 19, 2020 - 12:38 PM
I don’t recall any or perhaps there were very MAXIM’s here in southeaster Wisconsin. Grand old builder.