Archive for March 24th, 2018

Naperville Fire Department news

Excerpts from the

The Naperville Fire Department and city staff are exploring the possible consolidation of some of the city’s 10 fire stations, Mayor Steve Chirico said Monday.

“Safety is the number one concern, of course, but we recognize Naperville has reached build out,” Chirico said. “So we need to ask the question if our stations are in the best locations, or if reconfiguring them could provide better service.”

Naperville Fire Chief Mark Puknaitis brought the consolidation idea up to the city manager City Manager Doug Krieger about a year ago, Krieger said Tuesday.

As Naperville has grown and changed over the years, the city has added fire stations, he said.

“If we were to do it all over again, the locations and number of stations might be different, so since we’ve kind of hit our build out, we thought that now would be a good time to look at coverage,” Krieger said. “Obviously, the most important component of coverage is response time. And another number of other factors come into play.”

Equalizing the workload across the city’s 10 fire stations also helps coverage, Krieger said.

Naperville’s current call to arrival time is six minutes 85.6 percent of the time. It’s unclear if potential station consolidation would affect response times.

“Currently we’re providing a very high service level,” Krieger said. “I would expect when things are all said and done, we’ll continue to supply a very high service level.”

“The goal is really to continue to provide a great service level and response time while minimizing cost. That’s really true to all departments in the city,” Krieger said.

The Naperville Fire Department employs 193 sworn, full-time, professional firefighters. Any reductions in staff to accompany consolidation would be done through attrition and natural retirements.

The staff has not come to any conclusions yet but there are plans on making a consolidation recommendation to the Naperville City Council this year.

Naperville Station 2 at 601 E. Bailey Road is the oldest station. Station 4 at 1971 Brookdale Road is also a training facility, and Station 7 at 1380 Aurora Ave. houses the department’s administrators.

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New ambulance for South Elgin & Countryside FPD

From the Foster Coach Sales Facebook page:

Brand new custom Horton conversion on a Ford F550 chassis

new ambulance for the South Elgin & Countryside FPD

new ambulance for the South Elgin & Countryside FPD. Foster Coach Sales photo

new ambulance for the South Elgin & Countryside FPD

Foster Coach Sales photo

new ambulance for the South Elgin & Countryside FPD

Foster Coach Sales photo

interior of new ambulance

Foster Coach Sales photo

chevron striping on back of ambulance

Foster Coach Sales photo

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Victorville Fire Department hires former Illinois chief

Excerpts from the

The City of Victorville, CA has tapped Greg Benson, a former fire chief with more than 35 years of public safety experience, to serve as the head of the Victorville Fire Department.

Benson will oversee the city’s underway transition from San Bernardino County Fire to its own agency. He is expected to begin April 23. The choice comes after conclusion of a nationwide search for a top official. A native of Illinois, Benson most recently oversaw the formation of the Fox River and Countryside Fire Protection District in Illinois, serving as the fire chief there for five years.

City officials said his experience leading the establishment of a new department and his focus on community engagement were major factors in their decision.

“In addition to leading the formation of a new fire department, Greg has helped fire departments nationwide achieve highly coveted accreditation status,” Interim City Manager Keith Metzler said in a statement. “These experiences along with his sincere commitment to community involvement make Greg the ideal person to lead our city’s fire department, oversee its formation, and ensure it achieves service excellence.”

Since retiring in 2015, Benson has acted as a professional services consultant assisting fire departments nationwide to achieve accreditation status. Benson will immediately be charged with staffing the new department. But in the long-run, officials hope he can garner accreditation status for the new department — a status reportedly achieved by less than 1 percent of the nation’s municipal fire agencies.

City officials have said a reactivation of its decade-long dormant city fire department will reduce spending by 5 percent annually and equate to a $3.8 million savings in the first five years — a shift supported by the majority council. After the first five years, officials expect cost savings of roughly 14 percent annually and also 70 percent less in pension costs than if the city were to continue with the San Bernardino County Fire.

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Of interest … Maps of fire districts in Lake County, IL

Found on the Lake County, Illinois website:

Fire Protection District maps

thanks Drew

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