This from Eric Haak:
This week I am sharing these images from a 5-11 alarm on January 28, 1965. This was an abandoned grain mill at 2203-09 South Lumber Street. For those who are familiar with this area, it is the present location of Ozinga concrete just south of Cermak along the Chicago River. The second image is of Engine 8 and the last image shows Engine 23. I can count 13 master streams flowing in image 4. Still time was reported as 4:47pm. Hope you enjoy.

5-11 alarm fire in Chicago on January 28, 1965. This was an abandoned grain mill at 2203-09 South Lumber Street. from the collection of Eric Haak, photographer unknown

from the collection of Eric Haak, photographer unknown

from the collection of Eric Haak, photographer unknown

from the collection of Eric Haak, photographer unknown

CFD Engine 23. from the collection of Eric Haak, photographer unknown
#1 by Michael M on October 20, 2017 - 10:55 AM
This must have been a tough job! I can’t help but think that the firefighter on engine 23 is going into the cab to warm up! Any other pictures of this fire? Did this building turn into a Ice Castle?
#2 by David on October 19, 2017 - 5:47 PM
Must have been a tough job, great photos Eric, keep em coming.
#3 by Mel Marcus on October 19, 2017 - 1:21 PM
Would have been great to see a picture from the fireboat side.
#4 by Mike L on October 19, 2017 - 11:07 AM
Cool pics, Eric!! I bet this is one of the few fires that both 144′ Mack/Migirus’ were up and flowing their ladder pipes. At least, one of the few that were documented.