This from Josh Boyajian:
Here is a follow up to the post the other day. Here is a shot I took today of River Forest’s new Smeal ladder truck 219. From my understanding, it will follow the engine on all in-town fire calls. Also it will be going into surrounding towns auto-aid including Maywood.ThanksJosh

River Forest Truck 219. Josh Boyajian photo
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#1 by FFEMT on November 29, 2013 - 10:35 PM
Josh, do you by chance have a link to the photo?
#2 by Mike L on November 29, 2013 - 6:29 PM
@ Bill- When Evanston got that TeleSqurt, they had to send it back to get the Squrt beams put on hinges so they could stow them folded down to make clearance on the viaducts as most of the viaducts in Evanston are 11’9″.
#3 by DMc77 on November 29, 2013 - 1:02 PM
Bill – Oak Park is getting an E-One 95′ rear mount platform on a low profile chassis.
We looked at a tiller for the manuverability and conpartment space. We looked at Cicero’s E-One tillet and believe it or not the tillerman’s cab is to tall to fit underneath our viaducts.
To lower it enough would have blocked all of what restriced forward view there was in the first place.
River Forest doesn’t have the manpower to run a TDA as it is. As for now, Oak Park will continue to run the jointly purchased tower into RF on stills and target hazard fire alarms. This will change most likely next summer when OP gets the new tower. The current arrangement is more for manpower rather that another aerial apparatus
#4 by Drew G. on November 29, 2013 - 12:47 PM
It hit a viaduct bridge, not a pillar. It didn’t even make it under the viaduct at all.
#5 by Bill Post on November 29, 2013 - 12:41 PM
That’s funny about the Evanston Telesquirt as they still have it around and used it as a Reserve rig and it is usually housed with Engine 24 in their second bay. I saw it responding to an emergency not long ago.
Speaking about Oak Park , are they ordering a straight Aerial Ladder or a Tower Ladder?
What a shame about the new Truck from River Forest. I wonder if they will be able to able to replace it at all considering that the new rigs are expensive. Maybe Oak Park and Maywood will have to dispatch their Trucks in to River Forest instead of the opposite. Perhaps River Forest should consider getting a Tillered Aerial Ladder if it is a matter of not being able to clear some viaducts(just like Evanston does and Cicero had recently done).
#6 by Mike L on November 29, 2013 - 10:20 AM
I’m curious if they hit a piller or if it caught the underside of a viaduct… Several towns that have low clearance viaducts have bought rigs without checking if the rig will make the clearance (Evanston telesqurt & Joliet Tower Ladder are the ones I know of).
#7 by chris r on November 29, 2013 - 7:51 AM
I doubt it will be covered by the warranty too , I hope they had insurance.
#8 by FFEMT on November 28, 2013 - 10:07 PM
If there is that severe of damage to the ladder, I would have to imagine there is severe damage to at least the torque box, as that is all very interconnected. Hope they had good insurance……
#9 by DMc77 on November 28, 2013 - 9:45 PM
It looks as if the damage is contained to the ladder only, which was completely destroyed. Can’t tell though if there is internal damage to the torque box, frame, etc. I just operated the ladder on Tuesday. What a shame it was a nice rig. Oak Park’s E-One should be delivered around June/July of next year, will probably go in service in Aug/Sept, so RF may have time to get another truck by then……
#10 by FFEMT on November 28, 2013 - 9:24 PM
Can somebody post a link to the pic? I’ve looked through NFIG and a few other pages I can’t find it. Thanks!
#11 by Josh on November 28, 2013 - 9:17 PM
There is a picture floating around facebook. Doesn’t look good at all. Its only been in full service for about a month
#12 by Adam on November 28, 2013 - 8:40 PM
Well, I guess Oak Park is glad that River Forest broke their agreement to get a new joint truck. Wow.
#13 by 0.02 on November 28, 2013 - 8:15 PM
No way!!! They just got that rig. Can’t wait to hear what the story about that accident was.
#14 by Josh on November 28, 2013 - 7:55 PM
Fyi…. this rig was totalled the other day when it hit a viaduct in town.