From Danny in Kentucky:
hi there thought i’d share that i found alot of local fire depts in my area that have rigs that used to serve in the greater chicago area. here are a few links. maybe other readers can contribute original photos from their days in chicago land
Anderson County Rescue 5 (x-Lisle-Woodridge FPD)

Greg Stapleton photo

This one one of the first three Gladiator super command cabs built by Spartan. Larry Shapiro photo
Hindman Fire Department Ladder 150 (X-River Forest, IL)

Greg Stapleton photo

Larry Shapiro photo
Stephensburg Engine 3 (retired) (claims to be X-Palatine, IL Tele-Squrt)

Greg Stapleton photo
from Kent Parrish:
As regards the Stephensburg rig. It was a 1981 Seagrave HB-25068 # K-79052 1500/500 with 50-foot Tele-Squrt for Palatine. Somebody removed the Tele-Squrt and put a Pierce body with 1000-gallon tank on it, around 1994. The body was #E-1375 from Bridgewater, NJ.
Austin-Tracy FD Engine FD Engine 68 (X-Winnetka, IL)

Greg Stapleton photo

Former Winnetka Engine 28. Larry Shapiro photo
Austin-Tracy FD Engine 60 (retired) (X-Winnetka, IL)

Greg Stapleton photo

Former Winnetka Engine. Larry Shapiro photo
Little Poplar Creek Engine 1 (X-Roberts Park, IL)

Greg Stapleton photo
Neon VFD Aerial 1 (X-Glen Ellyn, IL)

Greg Stapleton photo
The Kentucky photos were all found at
#1 by Scott on October 16, 2013 - 6:42 PM
The Red & Green lights go back to maritme use and have a use for whether your facing the apparatus or behind it at a fire, when trying to position/backdown from the other end of the block to know which direction to come it. RED, LEFT (PORT)-drivers side of a rig; GREEN, RIGHT (STARBORD), officers side of a rig. If you didn’t see the red and green, you where at the rear.
#2 by danny on September 21, 2013 - 7:37 AM
afraid not its still in damn good wprking order but they only do like 200 calls a year
#3 by Mike Mc on September 20, 2013 - 3:48 PM
Please tell me the 49 year old snorkel is a museum piece for parades … right?
#4 by Dennis Saam on September 19, 2013 - 7:29 PM
The ex-Roberts Park rig went to Stillman Valley, IL around 1988, then it went to Kentucky. I think Bill Fredricks has a picture of it at Stillman.
#5 by Crabby Milton on September 19, 2013 - 5:34 PM
Oh now I understand. That caption meant “Chicago” area. Either I’m too much into details or it’s been a long week. 🙂
#6 by Crabby Milton on September 19, 2013 - 3:28 PM
I was talking about Austin Tracy engine 60 rig right above the former Winnetka rig.
#7 by Admin on September 19, 2013 - 3:51 PM
both of those Austin Tracy rigs were formerly from Winnetka
#8 by danny on September 19, 2013 - 3:18 PM
its that and a ton of old fdny mack cf towers down here too. even found one in the louisville, ky area that they removed the ladder from and turned into a quad
#9 by Kevin Griffin on September 19, 2013 - 3:04 PM
The old LW squad look awesome
#10 by Crabby Milton on September 19, 2013 - 3:02 PM
I like the SEAGRAVE’s but they are all nice rigs. Amazing how many departments moved away from yellow. As far as that Austin Tracy SEAGRAVE (former Chicago), too bad they yanked that famous green light. I’ve always been facinated with the reason why CFD does that.
#11 by Admin on September 19, 2013 - 3:20 PM
that Seagrave was former Winnetka, not Chicago