This from Josh Boyajian:
Bensenville had a fire this morning at 710 E. Green, Victory Auto Wreckers. They had a good amount of fire contained to a pile of cars in the junkyard. Here are some shots I took of some of the rigs there including Wood Dale’s new engine.
Thanks Josh

Bensenville Engine 18.. Josh Boyajian photo

Elmhurst Truck 1. Josh Boyajian photo

Northlake Engine 806. Josh Boyajian photo

Wood Dale Engine 69. Josh Boyajian photo
#1 by spoung45 on June 12, 2013 - 11:01 AM
My teacher at Columbia College did the original voice over for it.
#2 by Mike on June 12, 2013 - 7:55 AM
710 East Green….In Bensenville! That commercial is forever burned in our minds…
#3 by Drew Gresik on June 9, 2013 - 10:47 PM
Nice shots Josh!
#4 by Evan Davis on June 9, 2013 - 9:49 PM
thanks for the responses!
#5 by Drew Smith on June 9, 2013 - 8:58 PM
Bensenville has been a member of Division 20 for more than a few years. Before D20 was D20 it was Divisions 6 and 7 and when the two merged D20 was born (so one division did not join the other). Subsequently, DeKalb county became D6 and Kankakee county D7.
Who is in what division is up to each divisions – no one assigns a department to a division. Also, a department may be a member of more than one division. DesPlaines is a member of both D1 and D3.
#6 by chris r on June 9, 2013 - 2:04 PM
BENSENVILLE joined division 20 a couple years ago because part of their district is in COOK COUNTRY and NORCOMM ( DIVISION 20 ) dispatches them . FERMILAB is part of division 12 because they have their own fire department and fermilab is in dupage county and responds auto aid to WARRENVILLE FPD .
#7 by Evan Davis on June 9, 2013 - 1:34 PM
Did Bensenville switch mabas divisions? According to divisions 12 website, Bensenville is listed as a member. Fermilab FD is also listed as a member.