Another series of images from Jack Connors showing the CFD Turret Wagons that the shops built on the Chevy Scottsdale (C20) chassis. At one point there was one of these assigned to each of the six districts.


Chicago FD Turret Wagon 671 6-7-1

Turret Wagon 6-7-1 was fabricated in 1978 by the CFD Shops on a 1975 Chevy chassis. Jack Connors photo

Chicago FD Turret Wagon 673 6-7-3

Turret Wagon 6-7-3. Jack Connors photo

Chicago FD Turret Wagon 674 6-7-4

Turret Wagon 6-7-4 during a FIre Prevention Week parade. Jack Connors photo

Chicago FD Turret Wagon 674 6-7-4

Turret Wagon 6-7-4 on a 1975 Chevy chassis. Jack Connors photo

Chicago FD Turret Wagon 674 6-7-4

A view looking down at Turret Wagon 6-7-4. Jack Connors photo

Chicago FD Turret Wagon 674 6-7-4

Another view looking down at Turret Wagon 6-7-4. Jack Connors photo

More information on the history of CFD 6-7-4 in in an article HERE.

Chicago FD Turret Wagon 676 6-7-6

CFD Turret Wagon 6-7-6, built on a 1975 CHevy chassis, with boat 6-8-9 at the fire department shops in July of 1998. Jack Connors photo

More on 6-7-6 is HERE.

The previous article in this series can be viewed HERE.