Archive for March 1st, 2012

Submitting information to the blog

To our readers:

Oftentimes, items that are posted to the blog, which are not time sensitive, are created and put into a queue several days before they actually post. This is to ensure that there is always something ready to go. The site and blog require a huge time commitment and this helps alleviate some of that time each day.

This means that sometimes information which is passed along may already be in the queue and we might inadvertently neglect to match that information from multiple sources with an appropriate acknowledgement of each reader.

Occasionally, as in the case with the new delivery photo of the Geneva engine, several readers pass along the same information, and we just acknowledge the source as “several readers” or some similar phrase. We appreciate the information that comes to us from readers and hope that this helps to clarify the method behind our madness.

We suggest that new information is submitted in an email to the webmaster as opposed to submitting a comment. This way, the information is in a place that is kept aside until it has been incorporated into a new post.

Lastly, we are human, and are not immune to mistakes.

An authentic email address with a comment would allow us to respond directly to individual complaints, and as such, we feel that it is not necessary to submit comments like:

F%$@ you people.  Why should I make any attempt to contribute information that I find and not get any credit.

Thank you for your understanding.

New area apparatus

Martin Nowak and Chris Dryer spotted new or in-production apparatus for two area departments:


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