The Chicago Fire Department is expecting to receive three new Oshkosh Striker ARFF units by the end of the year. The first of these units was due in August and has not yet arrived. On a recent trip to Pierce, a reader took the photo which is shown here that shows all three of the ARFF units completed, one which has a Snozzle articulating boom with a piercing nozzle.
The closest of these units can be seen numbered for 6-5-5 which runs out of Rescue 2 currently with a 2000 Oshkosh TI-3000. This is the ARFF Commander’s unit. The others are probably 6-5-3 at Rescue 1 (now operating with a 1992 Oshkosh T12) and 6-5-6 which currently has a 1994 Oshkosh T-3000 with a Snozzle out of Rescue 2.

Three Oshkosh Striker 3,000-gallon ARFF units are seen here in the final stages of completion at the Pierce factory last week.
As an added bonus, the heavy rescue shown in the foreground of this photo is the new unit for the Northern Illinois Police Alarm System Emergency Services Team (NIPAS EST) on a Velocity chassis.
#1 by Josh on July 2, 2011 - 2:17 PM
The city has 5 more ladders on the production line at crimson, who knows what companies they’re gunna go to but probably all of the E-One one-axle ladders.
#2 by eugene O on July 1, 2011 - 7:10 PM
Can anybody tell me who thr six new crimson ladder trucks will be assigned to?
#3 by Adam on June 30, 2011 - 1:30 PM
I work at Ohare. I see the new trucks out and about from time to time when they are called out for various incidents or on stand by. If it’s evening, those new trucks light up like Christmas trees. Can’t miss them. I can see them all the way across the airport.
#4 by Robert on June 30, 2011 - 11:29 AM
Nice to see that the Chicago Dept is getting the best equipment.
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